Floorshow (Vic) Pty. Ltd: 0418 533 949

Polished Floor Boards Melbourne


5 Essential Tips to Keep Your Timber Floors in Pristine Condition


Timber flooring is more than just a feature in your home, it’s a statement of timeless elegance, offering both durability and a touch of sophistication. We appreciate the commitment that comes with investing in such high quality flooring and that’s why we’re eager to share some indispensable advice to help you maintain the allure of your timber floors, ensuring they last a lifetime. Whether it’s guarding against scratches, addressing spills promptly or choosing the right cleaning products, these tips will keep your floors looking immaculate.

1. Preventing Scratches and Dents

The first step to maintaining your timber floors is to mitigate the most common sources of damage which are scratches and dents. A simple habit, such as removing shoes before walking on the floor, can significantly reduce wear and tear. Dirt and grit trapped in footwear can act like sandpaper, gradually dulling the floor’s finish over time. Moreover, when rearranging furniture you should always lift rather than drag to avoid scratching the surface where possible. Also consider using protective pads under furniture legs to distribute weight evenly and prevent indentations. Similarly, if you have pets keeping their claw trimmed can protect your floors from scratches, preserving the floor’s finish and saving you from refinishing jobs in the future.

2. Immediate Response to Spills

Water and other liquids pose a significant threat to timber floors. Immediate cleanup is crucial to prevent water from seeping into the wood, which can lead to warping, staining and other moisture-related damages. After wiping up spills, ensure you dry the area thoroughly with a soft cloth, following the wood’s grain. For ongoing care, use a slightly damp mop for cleaning and ensure the room is well-ventilated to facilitate quick drying. This proactive approach in handling spills will extend the life and beauty of your timber flooring significantly.

3. Address Stains Without Delay

Accidents happen, and sudden spills from ink, wine or oils can leave unsightly stains if not addressed promptly. For surface stains, a quick wipe with a recommended cleaning solution might do the trick. For more stubborn stains that penetrate the finish, a gentle approach with hydrogen peroxide can be effective. Apply it overnight and wipe it clean the next day. This method can lift deeper stains without the need for immediate refinishing, preserving your floor’s appearance and integrity.

4. Select Appropriate Cleaning Products

The choice of cleaning products is pivotal in maintaining the health of your timber floors. Avoid harsh chemicals and homemade solutions like vinegar or baking soda, which can damage the finish of your floor. Instead, opt for pH-neutral cleaners specifically designed for hardwood floors. These cleaners remove dirt without compromising the integrity of the wood or its finish. Always follow the product instructions and use a soft, clean mop to prevent any additional abrasions.

5. Restore Beauty with Regular Sanding and Refinishing

Even with meticulous care, timber floors will eventually show signs of wear. This is when sanding and refinishing become necessary to restore their original glory. At Floorshow Melbourne, our expertise in floor sanding and refinishing ensures that your investment is rejuvenated with the highest standards. If your floor starts to look tired or worn, consider this service to erase years of use and bring back its radiant sheen.

Caring for your timber floors doesn’t have to be a daunting task, but with these practical tips, you too can enjoy beautiful, durable timber flooring for years to come, making your home warm and inviting while protecting your investment.

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